Library and Publications

Betts, C.J. (2018). Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2017). The Wonders of Greenspace. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2012). In Horto Feritas - Wildlife Gardening Notes and Thoughts. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2010). Checklist of Legally Protected British Species - Third Edition. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2019). Veteran Trees. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2019). Stumped - the importance of tree stumps. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2019). Eating Your Garden – Delicious Gardening with Wildlife in Mind. Betts Ecology Ltd., Martley, UK. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2019). Cure Green Blues Ecology Bank. Betts Ecology Ltd., Martley, UK. Please download below.

Betts, C.J. (2021). Plants can bite!. Betts Ecology Ltd., Martley, UK. Please download below.

British Wild Plants in Natural Associations

A database source for landscaping, habitat creation and local planning compiled by Dr C J Betts.

Those who have used this resource since it was first produced in 1998 know its value to environmental professionals who are responsible for vegetation work, and to all those who have an interest in creating, repairing or caring for habitats and natural assemblages of native British flora.

Organised to conform with the arrangement of the National Vegetation Classification, with cross-referencing to CORINE biotopes, the Palaearctic habitats classification, Natura 2000 and other classification systems, it covers Woodland, Scrub, Heathland, Moorland, Saxicolous Communities, Grassland, Sea Cliffs, Beaches and Sand-Dunes, Freshwater Marshes, Salt-Marsh, Aquatic Vegetation and Open/Weedy Habitats. It has summaries of over 200 different plant communities and provides indicative templates for establishing native plantings by giving Tables of the core species which are most likely to be found in the wild under the specific environmental conditions prevailing at a site. It can be used to guide selection of the basic plant assemblages which, under suitable management, will have the greatest chance of success at a particular locality as well as fitting the native British landscape.

The DATABASE CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, CLASSIFICATIONS and INDEX are available to download below (Vegbase intro index etc. web version 2019 update)

For the individual community tables and text (listed in the Contents), please email indicating which are of interest to you.

Hartlebury Common Local Nature Reserve

This paper is a summary of some of Dr Betts’ PhD research in the 1980s on the well-known Local Nature Reserve of Hartlebury Common, Worcestershire.”


I have decided to place my PhD thesis on the phytosociology of Hartlebury Common Local Nature Reserve as a free download. Although it was written in 1990 as a result of field research work in the 1980s, there is much of relevance today which I hope may be taken up by the Common’s managers or a new generation of students. A recent walk over the Reserve makes it clear that there are significant opportunities for work to halt, reverse and restore elements of the vegetation’s ecology as an exceptional inland lowland heath which have suffered in the years since I wrote this paper.

Dr Christopher Betts