
We are aware from sampling streams and rivers that our watercourses are in serious trouble and there have been many reports in the mainstream media about disgraceful sewage pollution and other issues. I have dipped a net into a number of local watercourses over recent months and, where a few years ago there used to be a mass of lively, wriggling and crawling “mini-beasts” in the net, there is now very little.
Although pleased to see it receive some publicity, it is shocking to hear of reports of the condition of rivers[1] including the River Severn which, with several tributaries, flows through or near land we manage. Anglers have reported devastating decline in our rivers and reported fish in the Severn with horrible sores. Algal blooms, sewage fungus, excessive turbidity, dead fish, excessive phosphate and various other pollution situations have all been reported as well as increasing bans on once clean wild swimming locations. When you think how clean our waterways and beaches were when we were in the EU and observed the Water Framework Directive, it’s enough to make you weep for our country and what it has become.
Unsuccessfully avoiding another rant about the catastrophe of the Brexit corruption, the current situation is a national disgrace. The water companies should be hanging their heads in shame, but I read that the bosses (not all British, apparently, as 70% of these companies are foreign owned) are paying themselves huge dividends and bonuses[2].
This situation is shameful, almost unbelievably so – as if we haven’t enough crises already with climate change and species extinction. Our waterways are a vital wildlife network for a plethora of aquatic, mesic and riparian species as well as being a source of unparalleled pleasure for people. How can our government have allowed such negligence? I’ll tell you how: by allowing an act of corrupt and despicable political vandalism of the rabid Brexiters to contrive our exit from the EU.
Betts Ecology will always do all we can to keep the aquatic habitats on our land clean. Unfortunately, the causes come from remote polluters about which the authorities seem powerless to do anything effective, or simply don’t care. That said, the river health enhancement people at Severn Trent say they are working hard on the problems. Let us hope they really are.
© Betts Ecology
[2] For more on this see e.g.