Bird Surveys
Specialist bird surveys are just one of many types of ecological surveys and services that Betts offer land owners, developers and other interested parties. We can advise you on what type of survey you require and the best time and schedule to undertake the work.
The most frequent conflicts with land-use and development projects in Britain are associated with nesting, feeding sites and general habitat impacts (especially wetland). Our comprehensive bird surveys help to clarify the situation and identify the optimum solution for both wildlife and development.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act (reinforced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act) gives general protection to all wild birds in Britain from killing, injuring or taking, damaging or destroying nests in use or being built, and taking or destroying eggs. The Berne Convention and the EC Birds Directive also confer protection on birds. Some species must also be registered and ringed if kept in captivity. Game birds have special rules, including a close season. Many migratory birds are also listed in the Bonn Convention including African-Eurasian water-birds which incorporates inter alia, all the Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans).
Summary of survey types for wild birds
Records/databases search/desk study with basic written advice (on protection, seasonality, precautions).
Breeding Bird Surveys, field examination for nesting and nests, cordons sanitaires and report with specialist convention plan, ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations. This can be time-consuming but an important exercise when it is necessary to determine whether site work will disturb nesting birds, e.g. in existing structures and hedgerows. Four surveys are required in total; from March to August.
Wintering Bird Surveys and reports with specialist convention plan and ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations. Fields, farmland and wetland are often important to over-wintering waders, for example. At least three surveys are necessary; one survey per month during November, December, January and February.
Common Bird Census or equivalent ornithological site study. British Trust for Ornithology standard technique that provides mapped data on number, species and other ornithological usage information for a site. Report with specialist convention plan and ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations. This may require several visits.
Wetland Bird Surveys (WeBS). Fieldwork, often from hide(s). Report with specialist convention plan and ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
Checks for nesting birds and their protection
If you need to remove some vegetation, like a hedge or some trees where there are birds nesting or carry out any operation that may harm nesting birds or their active nests or dependent young, you will need a pre-works nesting bird check. Although a few species such as the barn owl may nest at other times, the main nesting season in Britain is March to August inclusive. The area where potential disturbance works are proposed must be checked by a qualified ecologist or ornithologist to make sure there are no birds nesting there.
If there are active bird nests (i.e. nests being built, or containing eggs or chicks, or there are fledglings nearby/dependent young), they must be protected until the young have flown. This usually requires the area to be cordoned off and left alone until the chicks have fledged and are no longer dependent on their parents. This is usually about three weeks from hatching but can vary. Our ecologist will advise, and it is important that all site staff are made aware.
Note that the ecologist may then need to return to check the vegetation again and give the all clear.
Nest boxes, etc.
Betts can supply and erect artificial bird nests and nest boxes, including specialist provisions for barn owls, peregrines. Our work includes monitoring, repair, and replacement.
Selected species for which we offer tailored bird surveys
- Records search/consultation/desk study.
- Field survey (nest banks, camera trap, observations).
- Written report of results with ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
- Mitigation/enhancement, licence (if necessary), conservation.
- Alternative nest bank site design/creation, specification.
- Management Plan (writing, implementation, monitoring, enforcement).
Barn owl
- Records search/consultation/desk study.
- Field survey (nest search, pellets, camera trap, observations).
- Written report of results with ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
- Mitigation/enhancement, licence (if necessary), conservation.
- Pellet analysis, DNA.
- Management Plan (writing, implementation, monitoring, enforcement).
Black redstart
- Records search/consultation/desk study.
- Field survey (observations, camera trap).
- Written report of results with ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
- Mitigation/enhancement, licence (if necessary), conservation.
- Management Plan (writing, implementation, monitoring, enhancement).
Little ringed plover
- Records search/consultation/desk study.
- Field survey (observations, camera trap).
- Written report of results with ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
- Mitigation, monitoring, licence (if necessary), conservation.
- Management Plan (writing, implementation, monitoring, enforcement).
- Records search/consultation/desk study.
- Field survey (pellets, camera trap, observations).
- Written report of results with ensuing compliance requirements and appropriate recommendations.
- Mitigation/enhancement (cliff mesh, platform/tower), licence (if necessary), conservation.
- Pellet analysis, DNA.
- Management Plan (writing, implementation, monitoring, enforcement).
Note. Other falcons are also increasing and will doubtless become more frequently encountered for survey and mitigation.
Should you require specialist support or bird surveys for any other species, please do get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help you.