Invasive Plant Surveys

Many exotic (i.e. not native) plant species exist in the UK without causing a problem, but a few have become invasive. Japanese knotweed, for example, is infamous – it escaped from gardens in the nineteenth century - because it out-competes native flora, and because its tough, spreading rhizomes can damage buildings.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981 as amended) proscribes the release of exotic species (including Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed, giant kelp and Japanese seaweed) into the wild in Britain.  Under section 14(2) of this Act it is an offence to ‘plant or otherwise cause to grow in the wild’ any of these species, so site staff and developers have to be very careful wherever these plants are found – hence the need to survey and obtain good advice in advance.

There are many other invasive and problematic weeds and the lists of proscribed species are frequently updated. During the undertaking of ecological surveys, Betts will identify and note any significant ones contained within a site or on site boundaries. We can then arrange for appropriate compliance and eradication measures as the situation may dictate.