Habitat management plan

Have you been asked for a habitat management plan (sometimes called a habitat or biodiversity enhancement scheme)? If so, we can help.

Planning authorities often request these plans as a planning condition. It's to ensure your development delivers a Net Gain in biodiversity, as detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines.

It's no longer considered sufficient to ensure there is No Net Loss; a Net Gain must be demonstrated.

Your habitat management plan will demonstrate how you’ll achieve a Net Gain on your site, smoothing the way to a successful development.

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What is a habitat management (or enhancement) plan?

In short, it’s a practical guide for land developers to follow, ensuring a Biodiversity Net Gain is achieved on the site they’re developing. This is achieved by protecting and enhancing existing habitat in addition to creating new habitats appropriate to the site. 

What will your habitat enhancement plan include?

Should you ask us to create your habitat management plan, we'll work closely with your landscape designers to produce a scheme that's appropriate for each individual site.


The activities and enhancements we recommend in your plan may include:

Habitat enhancements

Enhancing existing hedgerows and planting new areas with hedges, grassland, trees and shrubs. This could also include orchard planting, ponds and SuDs basins where appropriate.

Management of habitats

We'll create a practical guide explaining how and when different habitats should be managed. The aim will be to maximise their value to wildlife. An example would be planning the right timing and frequency for cutting hedgerows and different types of grassland.

Protected species enhancements

We'll suggest when (and where) it would be advantageous to install bird, bat and invertebrate boxes. Other considerations include hedgehog houses, hibernacula and log piles for reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and invertebrates.

Working method statement

A plan for habitat enhancement must also include guidance on the best methods of working to protect existing habitats and protected species that may be present on site.

Monitoring progress

If necessary, your biodiversity plan will include a section explaining how you’ll measure your progress over time. There are many ways to measure this and we can discuss the most appropriate methods for your site. 


Want Betts to help with your habitat planning?

For more than 30 years, we’ve helped countless developers with their habitat enhancement and Biodiversity Net Gain requirements. From small, pocket sites to large PLC housebuilders, we’ll ensure you have the right documentation in place to achieve your planning consent faster. You’ll avoid costly delays and be confident of meeting your contribution to biodiversity.

Contact us for more information